happy halloween everyone!
dang from everything that youve all told me and showed me from pictures, it looks like this halloween has been way fun up there in the northern part of the world. I remembered about halloween the day before, but totally forgot about it the day of. then i remembered again yesterday. so as im sure you can guess, halloween isnt the biggest thing here in argentina. to be honest, alot of people dont like celebrating halloween down here cause its not one of ¨their traditions¨ but whatever its all good. there are alot of people though that have an awesome time for halloween too.
well alot has happened here in el triangulo with elder gutierrez and i this week. to start off, we have a little nine year old girl named brenda diaz whos how family are members. weve been teaching her off and on since i got here, but her family was kinda inactive, so we didnt want to baptize her just for the sake of baptizing her. we want her to be able to go to church all the time and stuff too. and she really loves going to church on sunday which is awesome. but weve got her mom coming to church alot more often now, so we decided to put a baptismal date with brenda for this sunday. we were planning on doing it this saturday, but the dad wouldnt be able to be there, so we just said that wed do it sunday morning before sacrament. we´ve been talking about how we´re gonna do it exactly cause the hot water comes out super slow in the font here and brenda cant be in cold water or she´ll get sick. so elder gutierrez and i have been talking and we´re thinking about sleeping over saturday night in the church and starting the hot water early in the morning. but whatever we end up doing, i think that itll all turn out well...ok so heres a cool story taht i think youll all like. so we´ve got an investigator named rossana. we´ve been teaching her since a little before i got here. but from what she had told us, her life has had some challenges and 3 times in her life, shes prayed and asked God to send her help. and all 3 times, the missionaries came by a little after. the missionaries had come by 2 times before us over the span of a couple years and she would listen, but never read, prayed or went to church. like seriuosly never. shes always willing to listen to us but we could never get her to complete any of those 3 things. to be honest, ive been more than ready to drop her for a while. but last sunday, we got her to come to church for the first time in her life! the next time we went to visit her, we asked her what she thought, and she seriously loved it! like she loved everything about it! she told us, ¨if i had known that your church was like that, i would have started going a long time ago!¨ hahah can you believe that?! it was seriously so amazing. she told us right after, that she was finally really believing and she told us that she was going to read and pray. i was seriously so shocked. its the fastest change in someone that ive ever seen since ive been in the mission. we´re planning on taking out a baptismal date with her tomorrow. it was cool also, cause yesterday we said that we were gonna pick her up to go to church. but we got to her house a little late, so she took her kids and just started going by herself hahah. i guess you can say that she ¨kinda likes church¨ now. but its really true that getting someone to go to church can change everything. after years of refusing to go, she went once and it changed everything about what she thought about the church...and the last little miracle of the week happened yesterday haha. so the other day, elder gutierrez and i were walking and trying to focus on finding new investigators. we passed a house and i looked in and saw a guy in the window. he kind of nodded with his head and we just kept walking. but once again, i got like half a block away, and i got that little prompting in my head saying that i had to go back and talk to him. so i told elder gutierrez that we were gonna go back. so we went back and talk to him, and he told us that he had listened to the misisonaries before, got to church, and was about to get baptized but had moved away before he could. he said that he wanted to get baptized in the church. so yesterday we went by and taught him a lesson and set a baptismal date for like december 4th. it was just one of those unexpected things that happen in the mission. but ive learned alot about those things. one is that there really are people who are just waiting for the missionaries to come by and to talk to them. the second is that you always have to listen to the prompting as soon as you feel it. you never want to have to live with the thought that you ignored that prompting of the Spirit telling you to do something. cause you never know whats gonna happen...ive gotta say that im really happy with everything thats going on here in this area. for the last 4 weeks, we´ve taken out atleast one new baptismal fecha with investigators every week. and in that span of 4 weeks, we´ve taken out 8 baptismal dates in total. and the best part is that we´ve still got more to go.
mom, to answer your question about being fed here in el triangulo, the members are actually all really awesome. any day that we realyl wanna get fed, we can set up a lunch with someone. its pretty cool haha cause i know that there are alot of missionaries who dont have that. dad, i know that youve gotta be excited about the lakers starting up again. can you believe that we´re already saying that?!? shoot the lakers are playing again! hahah and it sounds like all is goin well from what sean tells me haha. sean, hahah i was laughing so much when i read that first line in the email. ¨sacked! and delicious!¨ dude i totally remember that will ferrell commercial thing with the football player and the twinkie hahah. ¨nothing can stop me from getting that twinkie!¨ hahah ¨spinmove!!¨ haha so funny dude...about the picture of emily for halloween. haha wow umm to be honest i realyl dont know exactly who she is hahah. but its sweet costume! hahah. sounds like you guys had some fun...dude go lakers, atleast the chargers arent totally tanking either, and you know youre gonna have to listen to all that music with me later. paige, have fun at homecoming. shoot 2 homecomings in a couple weeks! thats impressive. and about going back to blonde, im sure gub-daddy´s gonna love it hahah. it doesnt really matter, blonde, brunett, he´ll love either one hahah. bridg, sounds like trunk or treating was alot of fun. dang i remember doing that when i was way younger and it was awesome. ill be the halloween dance was alot of fun too.
well even though this week was pretty crazy and awesome, i think this week is gonna be right up there with it. we´ve got some good things going and we´re realyl excited. thank you all, especially for your prayers for the investigators that we have here, cause we can definately feel them. i love you all. until next week...
con cariño,
elder ryan hall
ps- by the way, this week we´re changing our pday to wednesday cause we´re going to capital or something. so just so you all know, ill be writing you guys then